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Visual Studio Code previews incoming/outgoing changes graph

Jul 04, 20242 mins
Integrated Development EnvironmentsSoftware DevelopmentVisual Studio Code

Experimental feature provides a graph view of the current branch, the current branch’s upstream branch, and an optional base branch.

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Credit: Panudet Krualee / Shutterstock

The latest update of Visual Studio Code is previewing an alternative visualization of incoming and outgoing changes. The update also includes a new tool that enhances environment discovery for Python installations.

Introduced July 3, Visual Studio Code 1.91, also known as the June 2024 release of the editor, can be downloaded for Windows, Linux, and macOS at

The experimental incoming/outgoing changes graph provides a graph view of the current branch, the current branch’s upstream branch, and an optional base branch. The root of the graph is the common ancestor of these branches. Users can enable the new visualization with the scm.experimental.showHistoryGraph setting. 

For Python developers, Visual Studio Code 1.91 introduces a new tool, python-environment-tools, that speeds up the detection of global Python installations and Python virtual environments. The tool uses Rust to ensure a rapid and accurate discovery process. This enhancement, currently being tested, is part of an ongoing effort to optimize the performance and efficiency of Python support in VS Code, Microsoft said.

Visual Studio Code 1.91 follows last month’s Visual Studio Code 1.90, which featured multiple tabs selection. Other features of VS Code 1.91 include:

  • For GitHub Copilot extensibility, APIs for enabling extensions to participate in chat and to access language models are now fully available in VS Code Stable.
  • A new Profiles Editor, in preview, has been introduced to manage profiles from a single place.
  • When defining custom labels, developers now have more flexibility to access individual file extensions by using the ${extname(N)} syntax.
  • The JavaScript debugger now shows the correct value of shadowed variables when hovering over them and in inline values, based on the program’s scopes.
  • Thanks to newly released TypeScript 5.5, the editor now reports many syntax errors in JavaScript and TypeScript regular expression literals.