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Most developers have adopted devops, survey says

16 Apr 20242 mins
CI/CDDevopsSoftware Development

83% of developers report being involved in devops-related activities, according to the State of CI/CD 2024 report.

As of the first quarter of 2024, 83% of developers were involved in devops-related activities such as performance monitoring, security testing, or CI/CD, according to the State of CI/CD Report 2024, published by the Continuous Delivery (CD) Foundation, a part of the Linux Foundation.

Released April 16, the State of CI/CD Report 2024 is downloadable from the CD Foundation, authored by developer researcher SlashData, and sponsored by CloudBees, provider of a DevSecOps platform.

The report also found that less-experienced developers adopt fewer devops practices and technologies, which correlates to lower deployment performance across all DORA (DevOps Research Assessment) metrics.

The findings in the report were based on eight previous SlashData Developer Nation surveys that reached more than 150,000 respondents worldwide between the third quarter of 2020 and the first quarter of 2024.

Other findings in the State of CI/CD Report 2024:

  • Source control management and issue tracking are the most widely used devops technologies.
  • 29% of developers used continuous integration to automatically build and test their code changes in Q1 2024, versus 33% in Q3 2023.
  • 27% used used continuous delivery/deployment to automate code deployments in Q1 2024, versus 29% in Q3 2023.
  • The use of CI/CD tools is associated with better deployment performance across all DORA metrics.
  • Using multiple CI/CD tools, of the same form, leads to worse deployment performance, likely as a result of challenges related to interoperability.
  • Developers across organization sizes show similar levels of involvement in DevOps activities.
  • Data science and game developers are the least likely to be involved in devops.

The Continuous Delivery Foundation serves as a vendor-neutral home of projects for CI/CD, the report said. The organization fosters vendor-neutral collaboration between top developers, users, and vendors to further CI/CD best practices and industry specifications.

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